Coming Spring 2017
mind·ful·ness ˈmīn(d)f(ə)lnəs/noun
- the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.
The sign outside the yoga class you passed on the way to Starbucks before you were late for work. The current buzz word on the cover of the Time Magazine dismissed on the newsstand you glimpsed in the supermarket line. Mindfulness is more than the latest trend. Mindfulness=Awareness. Not just the moments that you put away the smart phone and listen to the birds, or the Sunday you take the Headspace app for a spin, but letting those important personal moments connect you with your everyday: the ecological empowerment of minimalism over consumerism, knowing the agricultural methodology for your food, caring how your Senator got reelected, why your town square is designed that way, where your taxes go. Share a piece that exemplifies a cause you are passionate about. Remind readers of the simple things that freedom ensures. Pay attention to the details of a thriving society. Sisyphus asks you to express yourself—in short story, poetry, essay, photography, art. A solid civilization and vibrant community looks to art for its inspiration. Please submit material through Submittable, deadline April 30, 2017.
A Preview: Speed Dating Buddhism
By Tom Webster
In my view, two fundamental paths1 have emerged in Western interpretations of the Dharma:
- Mindfulness path – In spiritual language of Vipassana Buddhism it can be considered a metaphysical psychology that aims at opening awareness through a process of self-discovery of the fundamental nature of life and death.In Western modernity, mindfulness has become a science-based meditation practice focusing on personal development and psychological well-being or happiness. However maintained is its underlying spirituality as coined by Jon Kabat Zinn, “mindfulness is paying attention to all experience, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.”
- Enlightenment path – Spirituality-based “deep” Buddhism as represented by “non-dual” and other practices. The “goal-less goal” is some form of awakening that yields “living in the world but not entangled with it.” All items below marked with an * are essential elements of this path.
1The connotation here is “course” or “way” or Tao in Taoism.
To read Tom’s complete article and find out what is marked with an *, watch for Sisyphus 4.2 The Mindfulness OS Issue (April 2017). To subscribe to Sisyphus, click here.
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