“America” is translated from its original Serbian by author Dr. Ljiljana Bibović (1937-1986). Granted a Fulbright scholarship to study in America, Dr. Bibović was a member of the Berkeley Poets Cooperative in the early 1980s (“A&W Sutter Street” was published in issue #19, p. 60) and a student at the University of California, Berkeley. “America” is from a recently published legacy collection, Stopped Moments. Although the majority of poems are in Serbian, there are also verses in English.
well carpeted.
America silent with no smile.
I am walking along the cold corridors
from one sign to another.
It is silent.
It does not welcome you.
The customs officer weary of questions
is letting you into the new world.
In the nightmare of pieces of luggage,
all of a sudden a human voice,
the voice of a man in uniform beside me.
America has smiled at last.
Gene Berson says
This causes a familiar chill