de·sign |\ di-ˈzīn \ noun
: an underlying scheme that governs functioning, developing, or unfolding
: a plan or protocol for carrying out or accomplishing something
“Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.” — Robert L. Peters, designer and author
Design is about observation, it has become part of the concept of innovation. It is not merely about the way a thing looks, but the way it operates. Design is implied in every plant, natural formation, and human action. The study of phi φ and the Golden Ratio have occupied mathematicians for millennia. To create something well, a designer must have the knowledge of the materials of his field, coupled with a perspective on human behavior. Are you the architect of your life? Is there implied design in the culture? What are the consequences of poor design?
“Design is intelligence made visible.” — Alina Wheeler, author
For this issue, we seek poetry, stories, and essays that recognize and respond to how design affect our perceptions and worldview—ideological, environmental, political, scientific, societal, global. We seek writing that starts the conversation about this new world order as we are coming to know it. As Canary editor Gail Entrekin shares about the impact of art: “I believe that there are … readers who are just now receiving this news in a visceral way that argument and scientific information have not been able to impart.” Share a piece that exemplifies a cause you are passionate about. Remind readers of the simple things that freedom ensures. Pay attention to the details of a thriving society. A solid civilization and vibrant community look to art for their inspiration.
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