Life is already too short to waste on speed.” Edward Abbey Naturalist, environmentalist, philosopher, and polemicist Edward Abbey (1927-1989), author of many essays, letters and books, loved the desert landscape primeval and revered all of god’s creatures that inhabit it, save one, human beings (oh, and their beef cattle). Like Henry David Thoreau and Mark […]

Geoffrey Dutton
Formerly a technical communicator and before that a software developer in academia and industry, Geoff Dutton has been a full-time author for the past five years after practicing creative writing for decades. He has 50 academic publications and over 400 online articles, essays, short stories, and memoirs. Several are in print, and last he year published the novel Turkey Shoot, an radical conspiracy thriller set in Greece and Turkey. He contributes counter-cultural articles to and, publishes on, and posts to his own websites, and Perfidy.Press. Geoff lives with his wife, daughter, and two cats in suburban Boston. For recreation he cooks for his family, gathers wool, and picks wild mushrooms for the table, doing no harm so far.