I had a white 1960’s Mustang the year Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated (didn’t just about everybody?) and it had Iowa plates, red letters on white. I built up a “Y” on the plates out of acrylic paints, so they read “IOWAY.” Civil disobedience of a mild and passive sort. It was noticed. Once […]
Guinotte Wise
Guinotte Wise writes and welds steel sculpture on a farm in Resume Speed, Kansas. His short story collection (Night Train, Cold Beer) won publication by a university press and enough money to fix the soffits. Five more books since. A 5-time Pushcart nominee, his fiction and poetry have been published in numerous literary journals including Atticus, The MacGuffin, Southern Humanities Review, Rattle and The American Journal of Poetry. His wife has an honest job in the city and drives 100 miles a day to keep it. Some work is at http://www.wisesculpture.com