ad·ap·ta·tion /ˌadapˈtāSH(ə)n/ noun a change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment. As Yogi Berra noted, it’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future. “Science and economics have no real way to value the fact that people have lived for millennia in […]
Heidi Varian
Editor’s Notes
in·e·qual·i·ty inəˈkwälədē/ noun difference in size, degree, circumstances, etc.; lack of equality. “The only way to move forward,” says Alex Ocasio-Cortez, “[is] to change for the better or for the worse because status quo is not an option anymore.” Ocasio-Cortez is right about the status quo. Complacency is dead. Putin’s puppet made sure of that when […]
Editor’s Notes
rise rīz/ verb Move from a lower position to a higher one; come or go up. reach a higher position in society or one’s profession. succeed in not being limited or constrained by (a restrictive environment or situation). “The only way to move forward,” says Alex Ocasio-Cortez, in a recent stump speech in Michigan, campaigning for her democratic Congressional […]
Issue 5.4 Call for Submissions: Inequality
in·e·qual·i·ty inəˈkwälədē/ noun 1. difference in size, degree, circumstances, etc.; lack of equality. “The only way to move forward,” says Alex Ocasio-Cortez, “[is] to change for the better or for the worse because status quo is not an option anymore.” Ocasio-Cortez is right about the status quo. Complacency is dead. Putin’s puppet made […]
Editor’s Notes
com·mu·ni·cate kəˈmyo͞onəˌkāt/ verb 1. share or exchange information, news, or ideas. What is a misunderstanding? It is a failure to communicate. Communication is the simple tool that allows us to live together. Communication is also infinitely complex: verbal, non-verbal, visual, digital, handwritten, media-generated. Communication is the intersection between language, truth, and trust; the cornerstone […]
Issue 5.3 Call for Submissions: The Rise of Woman
rise rīz/ verb Move from a lower position to a higher one; come or go up. reach a higher position in society or one’s profession. succeed in not being limited or constrained by (a restrictive environment or situation). “The only way to move forward,” says Alex Ocasio-Cortez, in a recent stump speech in Michigan, campaigning for her democratic Congressional […]
Editor’s Notes
Change CHānj/noun the act or instance of making or becoming different. Change: what is normal and what is not? Climate and extreme weather. Sea levels. Melting polar ice caps. Disappearing species and jungles and islands. The planet is changing at an accelerating pace. And those changes are driving a divisiveness of social convention unlike anything […]
5.2 Call for Submissions–The Communication Issue
com·mu·ni·cate kəˈmyo͞onəˌkāt/ verb 1. share or exchange information, news, or ideas. What is a misunderstanding? It is a failure to communicate. Communication is the simple tool that allows us to live together. Communication is also infinitely complex: verbal, non-verbal, visual, digital, handwriting, media-generated. Communication is the intersection between language, truth, and trust; the cornerstone of […]
Editor’s Notes
heal·ing ˈhēliNG/ noun 1. the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. Many strive for personal wellness–exercise, nutrition, meditation, sleep–but it’s not easy out there, even if you read all the ingredients of your food boxes. Agricultural practices deplete soil and crops aren’t as nutrient-rich as they were even fifty years ago. In […]
5.1 Change: What is Normal. What is Not.–Call for Contributions
Change CHānj/noun the act or instance of making or becoming different. Climate and extreme weather. Sea levels. Melting polar ice caps. Disappearing species and jungles and islands. The planet is changing at an accelerating pace. And those changes are driving a divisiveness of social convention unlike we have seen in the United States and around […]
Editor’s Notes
sus·tain·a·bil·i·ty səˌstānəˈbilədē/noun: the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level. After this morning’s meditation, you timed your shower at three minutes (shaved a minute off!) and didn’t leave the water running while you lathered your hair. Of course, you didn’t leave your phone charger plugged in—that would be an energy drain—but where […]
4.4 The Healing Issue–Call for Contributions
heal·ing ˈhēliNG/ noun 1. the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. Many strive for personal wellness–exercise, nutrition, meditation, sleep–but it’s not easy out there, even if you read all the ingredients of your food boxes. Agricultural practices deplete soil and crops aren’t as nutrient-rich as they were even fifty years ago. Meat […]
Editor’s Notes
mind·ful·ness ˈmīn(d)f(ə)lnəs/noun the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. “The sign outside the yoga class you passed on the way to Starbucks before you were late for work. The current buzz word on the cover of the Time Magazine dismissed on the newsstand you glimpsed in the supermarket line. Mindfulness is more than the […]
4.3 The Sustainability Issue – Call for Contributions
sus·tain·a·bil·i·ty səˌstānəˈbilədē/noun: the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level. After this morning’s meditation, you timed your shower at three minutes (shaved a minute off!) and didn’t leave the water running while you lathered your hair. Of course, you didn’t leave your phone charger plugged in—that would be an energy drain—but where […]
Today is the Day
The following essay was written to inspire the amazing artists and authors who submitted and those who became a part of Issue 4.1 American Identity. The most fascinating reminder here at Sisyphus is that the challenges we face as Americans today are not new, but only different, part of our collective identity because they are […]
4.2 The Mindfulness OS Issue
Coming Spring 2017 mind·ful·ness ˈmīn(d)f(ə)lnəs/noun the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. The sign outside the yoga class you passed on the way to Starbucks before you were late for work. The current buzz word on the cover of the Time Magazine dismissed on the newsstand you glimpsed in the supermarket […]