I am a Muslim. I wrestle with the Quran daily, often replacing rote interpretations with insights more consistent within the context of my life. In 2001 I stood before cameras to disavow the extremists who brought down the World Trade Center in New York City, and more recently hung my head in somber genuflection […]
Kevin James
Kevin James is a former firefighter and arson investigator with the New York City Fire Department who was one of several Muslim Americans profiled in the PBS documentary Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet. He participated in the 9/11 Oral History Project at Columbia University where he was a Revson Fellow and later graduated from Columbia Law School as a Stone Scholar. His narratives appeared in The Islamic Monthly, which include Embracing Apostasy, and Alt-Radical Islam: A Quranic Critical Theory, while Quantum Solidarity: Making Hajj at Bear Lodge appeared in Dreamers Creative Writing. His poetry First Light: A Phenomenology of Islam appeared in Into the Void.